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Life moves really fast. Emet is about to have his 3rd birthday, Abner is almost 6 months old, Calvin and I are celebrating 11 years of marriage. It’s all gone by so quickly and the truth is, it only seems to be picking up speed. Sometimes it's hard to stop and enjoy the moment, forgetting in the busyness of life that memories are being made.

I want to stop and remember all the special moments in life, but I also want capture them and remember them later, to share them with my children and watch their memories awaken, to let them show their own families someday. This is why I love photography. It takes a moment in time and freezes it for you to relive over and over again.

I'm thankful for technology and the ability to have a massive amount of photos at my fingertips at all times. But I must admit, I'm a sucker for physical prints and albums. Albums and prints allow us to create new experiences with our memories as we relive them with our loved ones.

For the last few years, I've been ordering my photos from a company called Chatbooks. They take all the photos from my Instagram account and compile them into a 60 page book of photos. Each book is $10 and is automatically put together and shipped to me every month. I love this because I don't have to worry about uploading, selecting the prints I want, ordering them, and then picking them up. I've also used them to create photo book gifts for family members around the holidays and to make personal, specific albums for each child.

Between now and February 10th, you can create your first 60 page mini photobook FREE by following the link below and using the code JACINTHAPAYNE at checkout. All you will pay is the shipping. I'm excited to share this promotion with you, so if you try it out, let me know what you think!

| Credits: Author - Jacintha Payne; Photography - Jacintha & Calvin Payne |