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We love getting outside as a family. It never fails - surrounded by all the green, the fresh air, just stepping away - it does wonders. This is especially true with us spending a lot of time around the house these past few… months. Lately, our outdoor time has mostly been walking around the block and playtime in the back yard.

Last week we set aside a full day to get out of the house and go on a little hike together. We went to a new trail we haven't visited before called Tioga Falls. We drove about 45 minutes to the trail, and to our surprise, we arrived at a packed parking lot. There were so many people out for a hike that there was someone directing traffic for parking. As we were unloading things out of the car, the parking attendant told us that the trail was "a little muddy." He wasn't kidding. The mud was very much present and it created a “fun adventure” on our way to the falls. We were sliding everywhere the whole time. :) We captured some great moments with our phones and I wanted to remember this small window into our afternoon together.

 Credits: Author & Photography -Jacintha Payne |