JacinthaPayne (Quote Graphic) - Move.jpeg

My heart is so heavy as I think about all the lives affected by this virus. Its impact is reaching so much further than any of us would have imagined. It shows no partiality – it’s stealing health from both the vibrant and the chronically ill. But it doesn’t stop there, it’s ruining businesses, jobs, and the security of so many people.

It can feel natural to want to feel downcast during this time. Something I’ve always told Emet is that it’s okay to feel sad when something sad happens. In this case I think feeling a sense of weight and sorrow over the tragic loss so many are experiencing is appropriate. But it can’t stop there. The feelings we’re feeling must move us to do something - to do things that are right and good when there is so much that’s wrong.

We can also feel limited in the ways that we can affect change right now. But instead of thinking about the ways we’re limited right now, I’m striving to think of what this whole pandemic situation makes possible for me and my family. Here are 4 things we’re focusing on:

  • How can we think of others? – We aren’t just staying home and washing our hands longer because we’re wanting to stay healthy. We also want to keep our neighbors, friends, and coworkers healthy too.

  • Acts of kindness – When you’re home and not able to get out, it doesn’t hinder you from writing notes, drawing pictures, sending videos, or using FaceTime. A lot of us are in the same boat. These little pick-me-ups cost little more than our time and can go a long way.

  • Teaching opportunities – This morning we had a family meeting at breakfast where we talked through everything that was happening around us. We tried to keep it light and didn’t talk too much about death and dying. But we were as candid as possible. Little ones are sponges. They will soak up whatever you teach them. Take the time to explain what you’re doing and why. Find opportunities to lead in your home with peacefulness and understanding instead of reacting and chaos. 

  • Be thankful – One of the best remedies for feeling anxious and nervous is expressing thankfulness. I’ll end this post with this task for you. List out three things you’re thankful for and tag your friends in this post. Let’s share some positivity


|  Credits: Author & Graphic - Jacintha Payne |