So here we are, 2017! And to borrow the words of John Lennon, "Another year over, and a new one just begun." Isn't it true that we always enter a new year with hopes that it will be better and more successful than than the last? There's something about starting over with a fresh piece of paper, a brand new notebook, or a blank canvas. This is kind of what it feels like when the New Year arrives and the ball has dropped. It's inevitable that once the year begins and the unexpectancies of life begin popping up that adjustments will need happen. So how can you do a good job planning and making goals while still allowing for changes along the way? The key to having a successful year is setting a goal for you or your family and knowing how everything else serves that goal.


As the year ends at the Payne home, we try to carve out time to discuss what our goals are for the upcoming year. This can look different depending on your situation and availability. It is also likely that things will come up that will steal away time from you. The important thing is to make the time to sit down and create your goals. If you don't have goals, it's easy to feel like you are drowning in the random and feel like there isn't purpose to what you're doing.

You may be wondering: "What are some good ways to organize your goals?" We've found Google Drive to be a invaluable tool for our productivity. It allows you all the important functionality of Microsoft Word with the ability to share your work and collaborate. It also allows multiple people to work in the same document at the same time. 


Calvin and I will both open our computers and begin dumping the things we want to accomplish over the next few years. This can be anything from buying a zoo membership to buying a new home. Dump everything you can think of into a Google Doc.


When I organize my list of goals, I use my 5-Year Plan Template. I create a bold heading for each year along with the months typed out beneath the year. Under each month, I will key in any events or things we want to get done. At the bottom on each year, there's a place for individual goals and accomplishments. I list any things that we've committed to that will take a significant amount of time or energy. This helps us know when to plug in certain goals. It may be best to wait for a month that is less busy when plugging in a bigger goal.


By creating a 5-Year Plan, you will have increased clarity surrounding the decisions that pop up throughout the year. You will be able to ask yourself the question: "Will this help us reach our goal of buying a home, or cause a setback?" There are many variables in making these sorts of decisions. The main thing is knowing where you want to go and mapping out a route to get there.

This is just a start to getting organized for the New Year. But, if you take the time to plan and map out the year, you'll be surprised at how much you were actually able to achieve.

Here's to a wonderfully productive 2017!

What ways do you make goals and measure your success?  I would love to hear some of your stories.


|  Credits: Author and Photography - Jacintha Payne|