This week marked 2 months since Abner was born. You often hear how your children grow up right in front of your eyes - and it’s so true! It's the most wonderfully exhausting thing. It’s incredible how quickly the newborn stage comes and goes. Abner blew through his newborn clothes and is already pushing the limits with his 3 month outfits. I’m so thankful we captured these sweet little moments right after he was born of us just getting to know him and welcoming him to our family.

Life goes by so fast, I hope to find the joy and beauty in each moment. I want to remember all the details and feelings of this season. I want to remember his sweet innocence and dependence on us for everything. And the excitement for everything that he has to look forward to in life.

We can’t wait to share all of these experiences with you, sweet Abner. We’re so glad you’re here!


| Credits: Author - Jacintha Payne; Photography - Ali Marsh |