We cannot wait to meet little Abner! It's feeling more and more real. I will get to be the mom of two boys! I love that I'm a boy mom and look so forward to going out and adventuring with both of them.

I want to remember everything about this pregnancy. I want to remember how challenging this pregnancy has been. I want to remember how it's been very painful, uncomfortable,  nauseating, and tiring - and how I can feel myself at times just wanting this little guy to get here. But I also want to remember to enjoy the journey instead of rushing through it, as it is with so many moments in life. There have been loads of wonderful moments of growing (pun intended) and learning during this pregnancy. I'm deeply thankful for this little life and that I have the honor of being his mom.

My dear friend Ali Marsh came in from out of town to capture some moments with me and my family.  I wanted to remember the sweet season this has been. I love the work that she does and as always, I'm excited to share these more intimate family moments with you.



|  Credits: Author - Jacintha Payne; Photography - Ali Marsh |