OUR HOME - 2020

This is our home right now. 

We spent this past weekend switching our bedroom and playroom. I love how we are using all of our space right now. It feels like we’re finally maximizing each room to it's full potential. There are many undone things still like the missing frames for Abner's artwork in the office. Things are far from perfect. But I love that our office shelves hold random special things from the boys, and the books on our shelves are out of order and in need of some serious rearranging. I love that our desks are covered in papers as we work to grow our own business.  I love that Calvin's nightstand exhibits a Star Wars play scene from Emet. I even have love for a basement that frequently floods and has ancient red shaggy carpet. I am so thankful for all of it. I'm thankful for how long we've been in this home after moving so frequently. I'm thankful for how we've grown into who we are while being in this home. We’ve come a long way and are different people and I love who we are now. We're settled - even with alllll the un-knowns and up-in-the-airs.


| Credits: Author & Photography - Jacintha Payne |