
Hope is so much more than wishing something will happen. Hope is what you fix your eyes on for motivation and purpose as you navigate the ups and downs of life. Hope is rarely right in front of you to touch and feel. It’s on the horizon guiding you.

There have been some times in my life that my hope was misplaced. In 2008, my hope was in building security for our family. But we ended up losing almost everything we had when the economy crashed, including the things I was placing my hope in. We’ve walked through some difficult situations with taking in additional loved ones, brain surgery, challenging jobs, and many other hard situations that have grown us and our marriage. As we walk through this unique season of sickness and social distancing, the future feels very uncertain. When I walk through trials I get a glimpse of who I really am. When I’m squeezed by life, my selfishness is brought into the light. The filter that’s normally there to keep things together and presentable is worn out and doesn’t function in the same way. Of course, some situations are hard and matching feelings of sadness to a sad situation or anger for injustice is proper and right. The point is I can’t wallow in these feelings. I must see how things affect me and learn, grow, and adjust for the future.

This week was especially hard. Calvin was laid off from his job. The impact of this virus both on the health and lives of people is far-reaching. 

But while the future feels uncertain our hope is fixed on the goodness and faithfulness of God. We aren’t anxious, we’re full of hope. We have a sense of peace and excitement for the next season. As we take this breath of fresh air we’re reminding ourselves of Romans 12:12 “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”

As we continue on to whatever is next, I look forward to you following along this journey of life with me. Let’s make every moment count together. 


| Credits: Author & Photography - Jacintha Payne |