POWDER HORN MOUNTAIN - 2020 (Via JacinthaPayne.com)

Last year was challenging for our family. It was full of adjustment to new things we’ve never experienced. We worked hard, pulled lots of all-nighters, and gave everything we had to sustain our family through our own business. By the time fall arrived, we were worn out, tired, and in need of time together with no deadlines and no pressure.

“The Mountain House,” as Emet calls it, has become one of our favorite spots to get away. Our days were filled with puzzles, reading, naps, hikes, and good food. We can’t wait to go back and explore the mountains some more.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy some photos from our week at Powder Horn Mountain.

Monday: After the long drive, we spent a day getting everything set up at the cabin.

Tuesday: Started with a good breakfast, some time putting together puzzles, and coloring. We took a family hike on trail near house, and did a little Forest School hide-and-seek activity. Emet, of course, couldn't help himself from collecting a bunch of sticks.

Wednesday: Held a slow start to the day snuggling with the boys and reading on the porch. We took another family hike near the club house, played on the wooden playground together, and did a Forest School scavenger hunt.

Thursday: Was a rainy day, so we spend the day resting, playing games, putting together puzzles, and taking naps. The boys even took a few minutes to step outside and play in the rain.

Friday: We took a family hike on a new trail near the cabin; we found a series of waterfalls and rapids. Emet and Abner collected river rocks and played near the waterfall.

Saturday: Started the day out with some fresh, cabin-made sourdough bread. We took a long drive on the Blueridge Parkway and took a hike at the Linville Falls.

Sunday: Vacation is for resting. Sundays on vacation mean extra rest. We took another drive on the Blueridge Parkway. We cooked dinner on the grill, lit up the fireplace, and all watched a movie together.

Monday: Monday was more exploring on the Blueridge Parkway. We drove and hiked at the Cascade Loop Trail and E.B. Jefferson Park. We explored downtown Boone, bought some candy and toys with boys, and ate at my favorite restaurant in Boone for dinner.

Tuesday: We loaded the car, took one last photo in the hammock, and started out long drive home.

Grateful for still moments like these that bring us together. Can’t wait until our next adventure!


| Credits: Author - Jacintha Payne; Photography - Jacintha & Calvin Payne |