EMET T-BALL (Via JacinthaPayne.com)

2020 was a year full of first-time experiences. Many of the firsts were unexpected, but Emet playing tee-ball was something we’d been looking forward to. We registered in early January for Emet’s first and final season of tee ball, so we were naturally sad to see that the season was likely going be canceled due to COVID. We were so glad to hear that the season was moved to later in the summer once quarantine mandates were lifted.

Once we knew when the season would be starting, we made sure that Emet had all of the equipment he needed and took him to the baseball field near our house to talk through the basics of baseball, practice throwing technique, and hit a few balls. We even watched a few Atlanta Braves games together - but that may have been more for Calvin than Emet. ;)

It was a very sweet time and I will always treasure seeing him play with his teammates and line up in their little chairs waiting to bat. Here are a few photos from Emet’s season with the Padres. We’re excited to see him practice for coach pitch this year.


| Credits: Author & Photography - Jacintha Payne |